Online services go down. That’s a fact of life. Heck, even we have had our share of downtime but thankfully, as of last night, much of it is a thing of the past. Well it turns out that Slacker Radio ran into a bump in the road last month. From Friday, April 13 until Saturday, April 14 some customers encountered a service disruption. Some! Not all or even most customers had an issue, and it only lasted for a day; it happens.
I didn’t even notice the issue, so it wasn’t even an issue for me, but clearly it was an issue for some and, no doubt, Slacker heard about it.
Well Slacker took it into their own hands to make good on the situation. They clearly solved the problem and are no doubt adding redundancies so it doesn’t happen again. That would be enough but they decided to go a step further. I received the above email apologizing and issuing me a free month of Slacker Premium. They didn’t need to do it, but they did, and it is THAT kind of service and integrity that makes me glad that I am a customer.
Well done Slacker, and thanks for all the music!
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