Microsoft Kills off the KIN, Never to See the Light Of Day in Europe, World...
Original Image courtesy of microsoftfeed It’s no shocker when the news hit the net yesterday that Microsoft pulled the plug on the KIN line of social phones. Verizon will continue to carry and sell...
View ArticleWindows Phone 7 Lands an Amazon Kindle App
It’s practically a given that apps make or break a smartphone platform. And Amazon’s Kindle apps are incredibly popular on Android, Blackberry and iOS devices. Now Amazon is announcing Windows 7 will...
View ArticleNuance Dragon Dictation at the Heart of New LG Voice-to-Text App for Windows...
I am a big fan of Nuance’s series of mobile voice-to-text apps. It is one of the most used apps on my iPhone and iPad and I can’t wait to see how it develops in the coming months. Nuance isn’t just...
View ArticleIlium Software Launches eWallet GO! – Their First App for WP7
Well established mobile software companies are slowly rolling out apps for Windows Phone 7. Ilium Software, a long-standing mobile software company, has just released its first WP7 app, eWallet GO!...
View ArticleMobility Minded Offers Up a Wish List for the Windows Phone 7 Update
Johan with ProClip’s new MultiStand for iPad One of the friends we got to hang out with at CES was Johan van Mierlo of MobilityMinded. Johan spent the better part of one evening explaining to me why I...
View ArticleLet the WP7 ‘Mango’ Feature Cutting Begin: No In-App Purchases
When Windows Phone 7 launched a year ago, it had lost several features from when it was announced. Those features were promised within a month … and ended up coming within 6 months via the disastrous...
View ArticleReview: Microsoft Releases Windows Phone Mac Connector Update on Mac App Store
Much has been written about how the biggest winner in two recent events – HP dumping webOS and the success of patent infringement cases against Android handset makers by Apple and Microsoft – is...
View ArticleIt’s All About Voice: Nuance Unveils New NDEV Mobile Developer Program w/Free...
Earlier today I was IMing with Judie. Both of us have ditched our iPhone 4s in anticipation of the next generation iPhone. We are both looking forward to it and want it NOW. At one point I IMed “You...
View ArticleMicrosoft’s Claims of TellMe Being ‘Basically the Same as Siri’ Put to the Test
Sometimes there is no better way to demonstrate that what a company is saying is pure rubbish than by putting it to a simple test. Apple’s Siri was released to simultaneous cheers and yawns – cheers...
View ArticleEvernote Essentials Extra: Howdy Neighbor
As much as I “harshed” on Evernote last week after they released two ridiculous iPhone apps the service remains a key part of every aspect of my life. I’ve also turned countless people onto Evernote,...
View ArticleHow to Keep Up-to-Date and Share Information with Colleagues
The other day one of my Rabbinic colleagues asked what “system” I use in the synagogue to keep track of all of the various lifecycle “events” that take place in the community as well as make sure that...
View ArticleNokia Lumia 900 Now Available for Pre-Order from AT&T
For those chomping at the bit for the Nokia Lumia 900, AT&T is now offering the phone up for pre-order on their website. Retailing off-contract for $449.99 or $99.00 with contract, this has been a...
View ArticleNokia Lumia 900 Free for AT&T Customers After $100 Rebate
When I first picked up my Nokia Lumia 900 Monday morning, both the AT&T store reps and I were perplexed why my phone could initially make phone calls but data functionality was, well, nonfunctional...
View ArticleNokia Impresses Yet Again… Makes Good on Update Promise
Nokia undoubtably regretted having used the “Beta Test” theme for its initial rollout of the Lumia 900. After all, while the Lumia 900 IS a terrific phone it has had its initial bumps in the road. The...
View ArticleSomething Tells Me Microsoft and Nokia are Smiling as Lumia 900 Sells Out
When Apple ran into issues with the iPhone 4 and “Antennagate”, even Consumer Reports refusal to recommend the phone didn’t slow down the adoption rate of the device. It sold, and it sold well. Now it...
View ArticleSkype Now Available for Windows Phone 7.5 Devices
Windows Phone users rejoice! Microsoft has at long last released Skype v1.0 into the Windows Marketplace for supported devices. So now owners of Windows Phone 7.5 devices sporting at least 512MB RAM...
View ArticleNo More Windows Phone App Shopping from Zune PC Suite
Well, it had to come sooner or later. As many users discovered the other day when Zune launched on their PCs, a message appeared asking users to restart the app to update the Zune client with new...
View ArticleThey May Be Slackers, but They Sure Are a Class Act
Online services go down. That’s a fact of life. Heck, even we have had our share of downtime but thankfully, as of last night, much of it is a thing of the past. Well it turns out that Slacker Radio...
View ArticleTweet It! for Windows Phone Now Free until Tomorrow Evening
Yesterday was Khamidov Timur’s birthday. No, no, not the 14th century Turkic Mongol conqueror, but the modern developer of a very nice Twitter app named Tweet It! for Windows Phone, and you, dear...
View ArticleMe on a Windows Phone? The “Hot” Place Must Have Frozen Over (sort of)!
I’ve been considering something for a while now. Something that, for me, was almost unthinkable even a short time ago. But now I want to mix things up a bit and try something new. So after some...
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